Reviewed by: Arslan Altaf Soomro
Okay, I like this movie. I like it a bit higher than Iron Man – 1 as well, even though it is not better than it objectively. What I mean is that I enjoyed it more than any movie of MCU Phase-I. Iron Man – 2 movie is actually a really major upgrade to the first movie of Iron Man Series with enlargement of characters, which was fun and recasting of James Rhodes with Don Cheadle, he fits nicely and he is just a better actor anyway.
The dialogues are also nicer here, the action sequences are far more satisfying here, CGi is also good enough and characters are actually fun. The screenplay is written by Justin Theroux, the guy from HBO’s The Leftovers – I mean fuck yeah! And, I loved his mature writing here. I just loved how he tried to make it more smart, more normal, and more relatable. I loved this scene in the end where Rhodes and Tony were talking. It is written really well.
Rhodes: Tony, look, I’m sorry, okay?
Tony: Don’t be.
Rhodes: No. I should have trusted you more.
Tony: I’m the one who put you in this position. Forget it.
Rhodes: No. It’s your fault. I just wanted to say I’m sorry.
These dialogues have nothing big but just look how mature, realistic, and relatable they are. This is feeling like some real friends talking with each other normally. “Yeah, buddy it was your fault but I am just sorry” – subtle emotions are visible in this talk between them. Thank God! This is not “oKaY my fRiEnD, yOu wErE aLwAyS rIgHt, I wAs wRoNg and blah blah blah… Overdramatic bullshit to send straight messages and lessons towards the audience. This is wonderful shit done here. I wish they would do this type of shit more in the MCU. They should write more nicely so my kids can enjoy and so could I. We both will have fun, Jane!

Iron Man – 2 Critical Analysis
Now the weak parts of this movie. And, believe me, Iron Man – 2 has a lot of fucking weak parts. The main plot is pure crap. It is typical and unoriginal. The main villain is pain, he is maybe the worst villain of this franchise. It was a good actor who plays the role but he couldn’t save this typical evil villain who has no profound depth and flair in him. This is the problem here.
This movie’s screenplay is cool, dialogues are chad, and the part of Tony’s personal life and his issues with the government are pure love but when it comes to the overall story. It is pure crap. It is so dry. I wish they could have done something nice in the plot or at least they should not let the main typical story be a prominent factor of this movie. Anyway, I enjoyed it and I will keep this in my collection. But I know it is just above-average too.
Currently, you can watch this film on Disney+Hotstar.
The World of Movies Rating – 7/10
Movie Title: Iron Man – 2
Directed by: Jon Favreau
Written by: Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby, Art Marcum, Matt Holloway
Main Cast: Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark / Iron Man, Don Cheadle as James “Rhodey” Rhodes / War Machine, Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow, Gwyneth Paltrow as Virginia “Pepper” Potts, Mickey Rourke as Ivan Vanko / Whiplash, Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury
Year of Release: 2010
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-fi
Country of Origin: USA
Languages: English
Running Time: 124 minutes
Production Company: Paramount Pictures, Marvel Studios
Distributed by: Paramount Pictures
Image Source: Screenshots taken from the movie.