Reviewed By: Anantha Alagappan
STAR WARS Review – Movies 1,2, & 3
The prequel trilogy to the original STAR WARS Trilogy, was released between 1999-2005. This trilogy explains the discovery and the rise of the dark knight, Darth Vader aka, the Jedi Anakin Skywalker.
The trilogy consists of Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999), Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002), and Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005).

Star Wars – The Prequel Trilogy : The Storyline
Set 32 years before the original trilogy, the story is set at the time when the Jedi council is in full power and is overseeing the welfare of the galaxy. A corrupt Trade Federation is spreading its tentacles and creates a blockade to the planet Naboo, ruled by a beautiful queen Padme.
Two Jedi knights, Qui-Gon and Obi-wan Kenobi journey to Naboo to save the queen and her kingdom. They escape the blockade set by the Sith-Lord Sidius, and along with the queen land on another planet Tatooine, to repair their warship. They meet a nine-year old slave, Anakin Skywalker, who seems to be performing super natural feats with ease. Realizing that the force is very strong with Anakin, Qui-Gon believes that he is the chosen-one.
Anakin is presented to the Jedi council and his official training as Jedi commences and Anakin becomes an apprentice to Obiwan-Kenobi. As he grows older, Anakin becomes a very powerful Jedi knight and accompanies Obi-Wan Kenobi in all battles. He also develops romantic feelings for Padme.
After a series of battles against the Sith, a couple of incidents cause Anakin to question his own beliefs on the force and how he can control it. Finally, he falls for the dark side of the force and his own greed and power causes him to switch sides and transform into the dark knight, Darth Vader.

My Two Cents On The Prequel Trilogy
The story ties up neatly and culminates in the rise of Darth Vader, stage set for the original trilogy to start. The creation of the most adorable droids of STAR WARS, R2-D2 and 3PO is elaborately explained.
The movie ends with the birth of the twins, Luke and Leah Skywalker, who take on critical roles in the actual trilogy. The prequel trilogy is much technologically advanced compared to the original trilogy, the screenplay is tight and action sequences and visuals are a lot more elaborate.

The actors have done a wonderful job. It is difficult to take on a role of already established legends and not let the expectations come down. Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker and Ewan McGregor as young Obiwan Kenobi have done a wonderful job. Natalie Portman is a feast to the eye as Padme.
Our hearts swell with happiness and seek more action and adventure when we watch STAR WAR movies and this prequel trilogy is no exception. We, as viewers, keep chanting the same line again and again, “May the force be with you”.